Les Champs-Élysées by Guy De Neyrac
Les Champs-Élysées by Guy De Neyrac signed artwork. It was professionally framed in a simple wood frame. We are like 98% certain its a watercolor and not a print, but we are not taking it out of the frame to confirm.
This frame is 22 5/8” x 19.25”
Les Champs-Élysées by Guy De Neyrac signed artwork. It was professionally framed in a simple wood frame. We are like 98% certain its a watercolor and not a print, but we are not taking it out of the frame to confirm.
This frame is 22 5/8” x 19.25”
Les Champs-Élysées by Guy De Neyrac signed artwork. It was professionally framed in a simple wood frame. We are like 98% certain its a watercolor and not a print, but we are not taking it out of the frame to confirm.
This frame is 22 5/8” x 19.25”